Listener メトロが心をつないでく。
Listener のレアなアイテムがどこよりも安い
Be a Better Listener【電子書籍】[ Fiori Giovanni ]
<p>Whether it is business conversations or talks with those we love, being a better listener means your conversations will be more fruitful and beneficial. It means the people you interact with will know that you care and that you have their best interests at heart.<br /> Being a better listener professionally means that people will see you as an indispensable person within an organization or a family unit. This not only increases your value but also helps you hone those important interpersonal skills such as empathy.</p> <p>The ancient Greeks said, ‘We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.’ Dynamic conversations rely on our ability to be a good listener. After all, how can you understand the nature of someone’s concerns if you disengage by not listening properly?<br /> So, with that in mind, we have created a powerful program that can reprogram your mind so you become a better listener. This won’t take much effort on your part, other than listening to the material provided.</p> <p>This program will:</p> <p>?Help you understand and empathise with others<br /> ?Allow you to form your thoughts and communicate better<br /> ?Give you the ability to have more satisfying conversations<br /> ?Tremendously enhance your interpersonal relationships<br /> ?Enable you to gain in-depth information and career advancement</p> <p>When you become a better listener, you will find enrichment beyond your expectations, in every area of your life.</p> <p>Make the decision to become a better listener today</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:1,111円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
Listener 関連ツイート
@Arioka_0415_w すこ!
@listener_oO 2019/01/13 02:42
RT @new_writone: 新しいVoice Bookが投稿されました!
@kurohitsuji2015 2019/01/13 08:33
声優名: らびおりめんと
作品名 / エピソード名: 人間失格 / 第一の手記 (4)
#writone #ライトーン
『お昼まで歌うよ~(゜∀。)』 -MixChannel LIVEを配信中! #ミクチャLIVE
@listener_sa_ga 2019/01/13 11:20
Listener おすすめサイト
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- 京銀は、いくつかほしいよね
- ヘルシアひとすじ
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- aquosの原点へ。
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