Listener メトロが心をつないでく。
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The Listener's LabyrinthA Thriller Novel【電子書籍】[ B. Zaragoza ]
<p>Dr. Elise Kardiner is on her way out of the Navy because she pulls homeless vets off the streets and checks them into the inpatient ward for a warm meal.</p> <p>Captain Ike has returned from a deployment in Afghanistan where his team of six Navy SEALs died.</p> <p>The two have been divorced for twenty years, after the death of their two-year-old son. Then, a Navy SEAL from Ike's team in Afghanistan shows up in the hospital. He's emaciated, suicidal and has a strange ability to see into people's pasts. Ike asks for Elise's help.</p> <p>It will take Elise's suspension, an admiral's questionable visit and help from her former patient, a paranoid schizophrenic veteran, before she uncovers a devious drug testing program targeted at soldiers.</p> <p>But her knowledge also means that a deranged owner of a private military firm (PMF) will hunt her down.</p> <p>Gripping with many twists, THE LISTENER'S LABYRINTH, is a fast-paced thriller novel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:119円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
Listener 関連ツイート
RT @rovertvot: No. 7 - Misha Ge, Listener Questions Answered by Ice Time Podcast
@autumn1990fly 2019/01/13 07:52
@listener_oO 許すwwwwww
@sebon_UFer 2019/01/13 12:52
@listener___2525 嬉しいですー😭ありがとうございます‼︎
@natuki1016 2019/01/13 10:52
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